
学生* *桂冠*


The major representatives, commonly called “主要代表。” are chosen each year by the Chair of the 跨国意大利研究 Department. These students officially represent the majors to the department faculty and other students. They are available to talk with students informally about the Italian major and to serve as a resource for declared majors as they complete work in the major. Representatives may bring issues to the department on behalf of majors. They also help organize department events. 在…的场合 搜索 for a faculty member or the case of a reappointment, tenure, or promotion of a faculty member of the department, the major representatives assist the department and the College in soliciting and evaluating student views about the candidates or the case.

NB See l'archivio storico 2013-2022 gestito dalle major reps dell'意大利俱乐部 (意大利作家布林·莫尔).

2024-25 ITAL主要代表 

  • 埃莉诺·泰勒,25岁
  • 莉莲·贝尔泽,25岁


  • 桑切斯混日子 24日, 蕾娜塔·德尔·维奇奥 '25 Podcast on 达契亚Maraini's "Marina è caduta per le scale" 

大/小 经验

On 出国留学 (大三)

  • 马修入学, HC '20:  "Il mio tempo in Sorrento Italia è stato meraviglioso (2018) – le classi, 我是viaggi dappertutto, e le interazioni con tutti gli italiani, particolarmente la famiglia con cui vivevo e i parenti che ho incontrato in Calabria! Non vedo l 'ora di torare in Italia. Il video vi dà tutti i highlights del mio tempo, ma spero di raccontarvi tutto in più dettagli quando ritornerò nell’autunno."
  • 意大利语系视频决赛.mp4

网站 意大利项目(研究生)

  • 劳拉新罗 (video about her 经验 网站项目),现为医学博士 http://medicine.utah.edu/internal-medicine/residents/laura-silla
  • 爱兰歌娜Flechter:  "毕业后, I spent two incredible years of my life in Milan, 在意大利北部, 网站项目. Once past the initial culture shock and homesickness, I found myself right at home in this simultaneously busy and laid-back city. I had to decide to push past my comfort zone in many areas, and the resulting personal growth was more than worth it. Italy takes a combination of diligent preparation and winging it, and you have to be okay with things not going as planned. 我天生就喜欢悠闲地散步, 手里当然有冰淇淋, marveling again and again at the incredible architecture and landscaping around me. I met friends who have become family, 我尝试了令人难以置信的美食, 我现在算是个时尚达人了, and I have a repertoire of wonderful 经验s I love telling my students of Italian. 任何有价值的东西都来之不易, but considering how incredible Milan was, my time there just might be the exception." http://allegrafletcher.com/
  • 辛迪哥伦布: "I worked at a high school called Istituto Salvador Allende in Milan. My job was to encourage speaking as much as possible in the classroom with dialogues, 辩论, 游戏, 讨论, 等. I think the best lesson I did was one in which I brought in a bunch of clothing and had the students create and act out dialogues as if they were at a store shopping. 课堂外, I found that one challenging aspect of participating in 网站 was building up my social life. 开始, the only person my age that I knew was the other American teaching assistant at my school and my only commitment was the 12 hours of teaching required each week by the program. Some of the things that I did to change this were: 1) Joining a local gym. 2) Seeking out opportunities for giving private lessons. 3) Contacting and meeting up with other 网站 assistants placed in Milan. 4) Looking for and attending events to meet locals. (每个星期四, I went to a popular English-speaking happy hour at a bar and always met lots of Italians there.) There are plenty of ways to build a community in the city you're placed in. 你只需要付出努力! 整体, I really enjoyed my year in Milan and would be happy to answer any questions people have about my 经验." http://www.lsi.edu/school_contacts.pdf


跨国意大利研究 Department

101 N. 梅里恩大道


莱斯利·迪亚拉, Academic Administrative Assistant