
每年出版, 课程目录列出了学术课程——专业的要求, 未成年人, 和浓度. 每个布林莫尔的学生必须在大二结束前宣布一个专业. 学生 may also declare a minor or a concentration, but neither is required for the A.B. 学位. 学生 must comply with the requirements published in the Course 目录 at the time when they declare the major, 辅修和/或专业.

课程目录还列出了学院的要求. 学生 must comply with the College requirements published at the time they enter 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

更多信息,请访问 目录主页 查看当前内容. 要查看以前学年的目录,请访问 目录档案页.


学生可以完成主要或次要的跨国意大利研究. 在2021年一致投票接受这个新名字, we are joining other programs in the humanities across the world who are seizing the current moment to make curricular changes for the explicit decolonization of our field(s). 通过去中心化意大利半岛文化, 质疑“标准意大利语”和“意大利文明”的概念, 避免种族中心主义, 国家, 民族主义的修辞, 我们希望表明我们对反种族主义的承诺, 跨文化, 以及意大利研究的后殖民方法.

我们主修/辅修课程的目的是探索社会, 语言, 文学, 艺术, 少数民族, and political communities that have identified themselves as Italian throughout history. 这样才能跨越学科界限, 本处与许多机构积极合作, 主要是通过在Bi-Co提供交叉上市和共同授课的课程.

特别是, we participate in the Romance Languages major with the Departments of French and Francophone Studies and Spanish, as well as with the many departments and programs that inform the Bi-Co major in Comparative Literature. 我们的很多课程, 用英语和意大利语授课, 都算在艺术史上, 城市的成长与结构, 俄罗斯, 经典, 国际研究, 健康研究, 非洲研究, 电影研究, 以及性别与性研究.


在高年级开始之前,每个学生必须完成,成绩为2分.0级以上,两门外语. 学生 may fulfill the requirement by completing two sequential semester-long courses in one language, 要么在初级阶段,要么, 取决于他们的语言分班考试成绩, 在中级水平. A student who is prepared for advanced work may complete the requirement instead with two advanced free-standing semester-long courses in the foreign language(s) in which she is proficient. Non-native speakers of English may choose to satisfy all or part of this requirement by coursework in English literature.


The Department of Trans国家 Italian Studies offers a Major in Letters in Italian (track A) and a Major in Intercultural Italian Studies (track B).

这两个专业都由10门课程组成,从ITAL 101/102级别开始.

For both majors we recommend a senior thesis offered with ITAL 398 and ITAL 399 (required for honors).  见下文.

这两个专业都需要完成一个写作强化(WI)课程.  WI课程的目标是重新思考这个论点, 逻辑连接, 焦点, 过渡, 证据, 报价, 组织, 和来源. 在回应反馈时, 学生将体验写作作为一个发现(重新设想)和意义的过程.  


意大利语文学专业要求10门课程. Track A may be appropriate for students with an interest in 文学 and language studies. 要求:ITAL 101/102, plus five courses (or more) conducted in Italian based in our department (ITAL) and three courses in English within the department (ITAL) or two in English within the department (ITAL) and one among the list of electives (courses must be approved in advance by the chair of our department) . 用意大利语修的课程, students are expected to enroll in at least three 300-level capstone seminars covering both Early-Modernity (ITAL 301, 意大利304年, 意大利303年)和现代研究(意大利380年), 意大利320年, 意大利313年, 意大利325年).


跨文化意大利语研究专业要求10门课程. Track B may be appropriate for students with an interest in arts, culture, and translation. 集中包括跨学科和单一学科的课程. 要求:ITAL 101/102, 加上三个300级意大利语课程(以我们部门为基础), 意大利320年, 意大利303年, 意大利304年, 意大利303年, 意大利380年, 意大利325年) and four related courses in English within our department at the 200 or 300 level.


The honors component requires the completion of a year-long thesis advised by a faculty member in the department (ITAL 398 and ITAL 399). 申请该课程要求专业GPA达到3分.7或以上, 还有一份书面声明, 在大四的秋天提交, outlining the proposed project (see further below) and indicating the faculty member who has agreed to serve as advisor. The full departmental faculty vets the proposals and at the end of senior year will decide if honors will be given.


学生 will write a 30 page thesis that aims to engage with primary texts and relevant secondary literature. 在秋季学期结束前, 学生必须完成一份正式的提案和一份草拟的内容表. 论文的建议应该描述在研究中被问到的问题, 以及这些问题的答案将如何对学术做出贡献. 学生 must include a discussion of the primary sources on which the research will rest, 以及相关二级研究的初步参考书目. It is expected that before submitting their proposals students will have conferred with a faculty member who has agreed to serve as advisor. 12月,学生们将正式向系里提交提案. In April students will give an oral presentation of their work of approximately one hour to faculty members and interested students. The final draft is due on April 28th of the senior year, and will be graded by faculty members. 学院将保留授予研究项目最终荣誉的选择权.


出国留学 is both an enriching intellectual experience and an opportunity for personal growth: immersion in a foreign culture offers an unmatched means to improve your language skills, and daily life within a foreign community provides cultural breadth essential for the increasingly connected global community. 学生, 专家和非专业人士, are strongly encouraged to spend at least one semester or a summer studying outside the United States.

学生 who are studying abroad for the major for one year can earn two credits in Italian and one credit in allied fields (total of three credits) , but to receive more than one credit the student must take one course in our department at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 immediately upon return. Those who are studying abroad for one semester can earn no more than a total of two credits in Italian, but to receive more than one credit the student must take one course in our department at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 immediately upon return.


在国外修的课程,我们最多只给一个学分, upon completion of a one credit course in the Italian section (ITAL) at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 返回后立即采取. 这个学分将不计入主要或次要要求.


我们将给所有学生在国外修的课程最多一个学分, 完成一学分的意大利语(ITAL)课程后, 回国后立即在布林茅尔学院学习. 只有课程未成年人可以将此学分计入课程要求的完成.


学生 majoring at BMC cannot earn more than two credits at the 宾夕法尼亚大学 in Italian. 学生 who receive two credits from abroad cannot receive further credits from the 宾夕法尼亚大学.


Requirements for the minor are ITAL 101/102 and four additional units including one 200 level courses (preferably in Italian) and three 300 level courses (one of which in Italian). 经部门批准, students who begin their work in Italian at the 200 level will be exempted from ITAL 101 and 102 and will fulfill the requirement with courses at the 200 and 300 level. 翻译类课程,专业条件相同.





101 N. 梅里恩大道

