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The Bi-Co 教育 Program proudly introduces one of our 2023年春季 classes,《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 语言的正义, 和教育,(第308页),  co-designed 和 co-taught at Bryn Mawr by Sabea Evans (HC ‘18), 和 莫里斯Rippel (HC ‘19).

The 教育 Department is glad to announce the publication of 相互信任 -- a guide to mentoring, building 信任, 和 igniting change!

由5位Posse学者撰写, now 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 alum - co-editor/writer Jada Ceasar 和 writers Alexis Giron, 托。曼迪, 首领杰佛逊, 和 Kathryn Gonzales - 和 Professor Alice Lesnick. 

The authors hope this guide will serve people doing 和 preparing others to do this work of mentoring, 信任, 和改变.

Read Professor 艾莉森Cook-Sather's Spring '23 publication in 教师 Focus, describing the Bi-Co 教育 Department's practice of 问责伙伴. 了解问责伙伴是什么, 如何将它们整合到课程中, 和 how students experience this structure.

To whom 和 for what are students accountable in higher education? The 语言 of “holding” students accountable connotes a kind of control faculty wield over students, carrying the threat of consequences if students do not answer to the dem和s placed on them. But what if we as faculty thought about “holding” in a different way—as holding space for students to take agency 和 as holding students as they took that agency? And what if we thought of “accountability” as the ability of students—the opportunity 和 the capacity—to articulate for themselves, 也让其他人见证和支持, how they are taking responsibility in their learning?

Eight students pursuing the minor in 教育al Studies—Emma Adelman (BMC ‘25), 凯特·埃里克森(25届), 克莱尔·福特(BMC ' 25), Joanna Gu(23届BMC), 奥利维亚 Harkins-Finn (BMC ' 23), 伊莎贝尔·马丁(23届), Sunny 3月tinez(24届), 和 Thea Risher (HC ‘24)—undertook an independent study with 艾莉森Cook-Sather in the Fall-2022 semester to conceptualize 和 write a proposal for a major in 教育 Studies. The proposal was approved on the 1st of February 2023 by 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s Curriculum Committee, who lauded it as a “detailed 和 thoughtful, intellectually engaging proposal.” The major offers students the choice of five specializations. 这五种方法都需要对知识如何进行研究, 文化, 语言, 和 power interrelate 和 bear on teaching 和 learning across contexts. Each is studied within the overarching frame of 研究, Policy, 和 Practice, 和 focused in one of the following arenas:基础教育, 中等教育, 中学学历证书, 高等教育, 和 失学上下文. 仍然可以选择完成次要任务, both for those students seeking secondary teaching certification 和 those seeking a more general preparation for lifelong teaching 和 learning. 我们加入同行机构, 包括巴纳德, 阿默斯特, 韦尔斯利, 和卫斯理, in creating new majors in 教育 Studies, affirming that this is an important moment for studying, 练习, 提倡教育.

Four Ed Department minors—乌木 Graham (HC ‘23), 奥利维亚 Harkins-Finn (BMC ' 23), 西奥·史密斯(23届), 和 Kayo Stewart (BMC ‘23)—are drawing on their experience as SaLT学生顾问 to support more that 20 student partners who are working with faculty members across disciplines at McGill University. Each of these Ed Department minors has been hired as an independent contractor to meet regularly with small groups of McGill student partners to provide the kind of support 和 guidance they offer one another in weekly SaLT student consultant meetings in the Bi-Co. 乌木, 奥利维亚, 西奥, 和Kayo正在制作, 当我还是本科生的时候, 这种伙伴关系的新版本, which was pioneered by three 教育 Department graduates through post-bacc fellow positions: Sophia Abbot, independent major in education (教育al Identity 和 Empowering Pedagogy, BMC ‘15) 和 Khadijah Seay (BMC ‘16) 和 Mia Rybeck (HC ‘17), 两个教育系未成年人. 看到 “Creating Post-Bac Fellow Positions to Support the Development of Pedagogical Partnership Programs” for a discussion of Sophia’s 和 Khadijah’s work 和 “Building Partnership through Partnership” for a discussion of Khadijah’s 和 Mia’s work.



艾莉森Cook-Sather: How to Structure Student Voice Into 高等教育

教育 Program faculty 艾莉森Cook-Sather speaks about How to Structure Student Voice Into 高等教育 to Harvard 教育 Press, 解释她新书中的论点, Co-Creating Equitable Teaching 和 Learning. 点击 在这里 了解更多关于这本书的信息. 点击下方观看视频!

Professor 艾莉森Cook-Sather at Stanford 研究生 School of 教育 Award


艾莉森Cook-Sather receives Stanford University 研究生 School of 教育 Alumni Excellence in 教育 Award. 点击 on "阅读更多" to learn more about the award! 点击 在这里 观看完整的颁奖典礼.





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