
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 餐饮服务 is responsible for providing all food service in public spaces at the College. Any other continuing arrangement for the provision of food service at the College must be authorized by the 餐饮服务 Administration.

餐饮服务 Administration 五月 grant exemptions to the policy on a per-individual event basis if the following conditions are met:

  • 餐饮服务 and Wyndham 餐饮 cannot provide the service requested or have declined to do so.
  • The organization or person making the request provides these forms:

Request for Food and Beverage Waiver

Insurance and Indemnification Agreement:


certificate of Liability Insurance (EXAMPLE)
This COI is just an example of the form that must be obtained from the Caterer Insurance Agency.


只是食品豁免? There are a few situations where an outside caterer is not required to provide full-service catering, 和一个 申请食品/饮料豁免 这就是所需要的吗. Foods that 五月 qualify for waiver-only approval, are packaged snacks and beverages that require no refrigeration and limited handling. 烘焙食品和披萨 五月 根据具体情况批准, approval is largely dependent on ingredients, 处理要求, source of food and location of supplier.

No potentially hazardous food items will be approved for a 餐饮 Waiver (e.g., this includes, but is not limited to, ingredients that are identified by the FDA as a TCS的食物, or other ingredients considered to be high risk or foods that require professional handling. 

所有其他食物 to be 服务 on campus under a Food Waiver must be 服务 by a licensed caterer who provides 提供全面服务的餐饮, which is defined as a caterer who prepares, 提供, 服务, monitors food and cleans up any trace of food service. On-campus groups 五月 not assume any duties regarding the catering of food (eg. they 五月 not have food delivered and serve it themselves).

  • 食物及饮料豁免: The organization or person making the request must submit a 完成 申请食品/饮料豁免 至少是餐饮服务 48小时 提前(2个工作日) 事件日期的. This form must then be approved by the Administration of 餐饮服务 for the Office of 会议和活动 to approve the use of College property for the event.
  • All permits, and licenses and equipment necessary to operate the food service being provided.
  • 责任保险证书 in the amount of $1,000,000 for the service of food for the time of exemption with 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜
    • 命名为 另外保险 under Description of Operations ("推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is named as an Additional Insured as respects to General Liability.")
    • 证书持有者 ("推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 北美利恩大道101号nue, PA 19010"). 
  • 保险 & 赔偿协议
    Any organization or person who is granted permission to use an outside caterer must have an Insurance and Indemnification Agreement 完成, releasing 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 from any liability flowing from the service of food covered by the exemption. This form must be 完成 and submitted to the 餐饮服务 office 48小时(2个工作日) 活动前. 
    • NEW IN 2024 - please note that Caterer must provide evidence of Auto Insurance Coverage. If any business does not carry commercial auto insurance 和一个 business representative will be bringing a truck or car onto campus, a copy of the representative's auto insurance card will satisfy the auto liability requirement. The College will not be named an additional insured on personal policies.
  • 全方位餐饮服务协议
    The organization or person making the request must provide a copy of a 全方位服务餐饮协议 signed by the designated caterer agreeing to provide full-service catering for the event. (“Full service” is defined as a catered event where food will be delivered, 服务, 温度举行, monitored and cleared away by the hired caterer in accordance with Montgomery County Health Department food safety codes.) Caterers 五月 not provide food for any event unless catered in this manner due to the risk of food-borne illness and its resulting liability to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 

These rules and guidelines apply to food service in all public spaces. Anyone providing food service will be expected to:

  • Set up the necessary tables and chairs 活动前.
  • Return the room to its original state after the event. 
  • Remove all trash and clean any tables, 椅子和地板的碎片, food or spills generated by the food service provided.

No catering exemptions shall be granted for events that are to be held in Wyndham Alumni House, 厄德曼餐厅, 新宿舍食堂, 多萝西弗农房, 或不凡咖啡馆.

Outside food service providers will not be granted use of, or access to any of the College's commercial kitchens or the equipment contained in those kitchens.