
布林莫尔大学生涯 & 公民参与中心 has set forth the following guidelines for participating employers to ensure a positive 和 equitable recruiting experience for all parties involved.

三校招生联盟, 由布林茅尔学院的就业中心组成, 哈弗福德学院和斯沃斯莫尔学院, actively seeks to provide students 和 employers with creative 和 purposeful ways to eng年龄 in meaningful employment conversations 和 formal recruiting opportunities. We support ethical, equitable 和 fair recruitment practices without exception. 我们的招聘政策, 略有不同, are consistent 和 congruent between our three peer institutions. We remind all recruiters to review 和 abide by our 政策, using the following links: 布林莫尔, Haverford 和 斯沃斯莫尔 政策. 


The Center is a member of the National Association of Colleges 和 Employers (NACE). All professionals participating in our recruiting program activities are required to work within the framework of maintaining a fair 和 equitable recruitment process, 和 support responsible decision making by c和idates as stated in the NACE职业道德实践原则.


The Recruiting Program includes (但不限于) the following list of activities: online job 和 internship postings (including H和shake), 校园面试, 信息发布会或雇主研讨会, 小组讨论, 课堂演讲, 人才招聘会往往会, 虚拟展会, 雇主现场拜访, 以及我们的会员协会的任何招聘活动. Employers must coordinate all recruiting outreach, marketing 和 activities through the Center.



  • 在校园里招揽或销售商品或服务.
  • 只收取佣金的职位.
  • Hiring students to recruit other students 和 alumnae/i for the employer's purposes.
  • Organizations without valid company email addresses (from free services such as gmail, yahoo, etc.)或与网站不一致的电子邮件.
  • Fee-based opportunities or initial investments to be paid by student to gain employment.
  • Third-party recruiting 年龄ncies that do not disclose the hiring entities they represent
  • 没有网站的雇主.
  • The Employer is unable to provide written documentation of registration with the Better Business Bureau upon request.
  • The use of alcohol at all recruiting events on or off campus.


The Center does not verify any of the data provided by students. It is the employer’s sole responsibility to ensure the accuracy of student data.


应中心要求, participating employers will provide information of all offers of employment that are extended to students. 信息可能包括, 但不限于, 学生的名字, title, 部门, 位置位置, 入职日期, 和补偿.


Employers posting an internship in the online recruiting system should review The U.S. Department of Labor’s W年龄 和 Hour Division guidelines on compensation. 这 简报 provides information on whether workers are considered unpaid interns or paid employees under the Fair Labor St和ards Act (FLSA).


To ensure that our students are well informed about international job opportunities, international job descriptions should include the following:

  • Support the organization provides to employees including Visa support, relocation services etc.
  • Information on the safety 和 housing practices of your organization
  • Fees involved 和 certification requirements (if none please specify)


Students should be given sufficient time to arrange their schedules. If a student is already scheduled to interview with another employer 和 this poses a conflict, please demonstrate reasonable flexibility by providing the student with alternate dates for the second round interview.


Employers are expected to give students an ample period of time to make an informed decision. Below is our recommendation for our employers regarding offer timelines:

  • 秋季实习或入门级工作机会:11月11日. 报价日期后13周或两周,以较晚者为准
  • Spring internship or entry-level job offer: two weeks after the offer date


The Center is committed to equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, 宗教, 性, 国家或民族出身, 性取向, 年龄或残疾.

It is the policy of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 to maintain a work 和 academic environment free from discrimination 和 offensive or degrading remarks or conduct. 非法歧视是不能容忍的. 同样的, we require all professionals engaging in any recruitment activity or program to read 和 adhere to the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Sexual Harassment 和 Other Forms of Harassment 和 Discrimination 和 性侵犯政策.

All professionals participating in our recruiting program activities must maintain equal employment opportunity (EEO) compliance 和 follow affirmative action principles in recruiting activities in a manner that includes the following:

一)招聘, 面试, 不考虑种族而雇佣员工, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 资深地位, 或残疾, 并应要求提供合理的便利;

b) Reviewing selection criteria for adverse impact based upon the student's race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 资深地位, 或残疾;

c) Avoiding questions that are considered unacceptable by EEO guidelines for fair employment practices during the recruiting process;

d)保持对……的敏感性, 以及对, 文化差异和劳动力的多样性;

e) Informing campus constituencies of special activities that have been developed to achieve the employer's affirmative action goals;

f) Investigating complaints forwarded by the career services office regarding EEO noncompliance 和 seeking resolution of such complaints.


由他们自行决定, the Center reserves the right to refuse service to any employer for violating these 政策 or for any other reason deemed inappropriate by the Center.


The Center reserves the right to update these 政策 at any time without notice 和 employers are required to comply.



的职业 & 公民参与中心
