Computer Science 研究 Projects 2024



Simulation and Visualization of Reflective Surfaces in Game Design Using 搅拌机 and OpenGL

In the field of 计算机图形学 and 游戏设计, realistic reflections are crucial for creating immersive and visually compelling environments. This research aims to explore and implement advanced techniques for simulating reflections on various surfaces using 搅拌机 for 三维建模 and OpenGL for 实时渲染. Our primary focus will be on outdoor reflections, specifically on the simulation of a lake surface reflecting a small island with static objects, and later dynamic elements.

The project will begin with the construction of a simple 3D scene in 搅拌机, featuring a small island within a still lake. 最初, we will assume the lake surface to be static and write shaders to simulate reflections on both the sky and the lake surface within the cubemap. This involves generating a skybox that captures the environment in 搅拌机 and applying it to the reflective surfaces in OpenGL.

The next phase will extend this approach to include reflections of static objects on the island, such as houses and trees, using the environmental mapping technique. By accurately calculating and rendering these reflections, we aim to achieve a realistic representation of models in the environment. 同时, we aim to simulate lighting effects that more closely resemble sunlight and apply them to the surface of the lake to achieve better reflection and diffuse reflection effects.

随后, the research will explore the inclusion of dynamic elements, such as a character that can move around the island and be reflected on the lake’s surface. This will involve more complex calculations and rendering techniques to ensure real-time performance and visual fidelity.

陈辣椒 is responsible for modeling test scenes in 搅拌机, 添加材料, and creating pictures using for cubemaps of skybox and lake reflections. 在后期阶段, Paprika will continue with modeling and texturing in 搅拌机, and will assist 陈月 with the implementation of cubemap reflections in OpenGL.

By the end of this research, we expect to have developed a comprehensive framework for simulating both static and dynamic reflections in outdoor environments, contributing valuable insights to the Bryn Mawr Community and the broader field of 计算机图形学.

如果进展允许的话, we will also explore the implementation of indoor mirror reflections, such as those in bathroom mirrors. This will extend our techniques to handle the unique challenges of indoor reflective surfaces, further broadening the applicability and impact of our research.



Simulation and Visualization of Reflective Surfaces in Game Design Using 搅拌机 and OpenGL

In the field of 计算机图形学 and 游戏设计, realistic reflections are crucial for creating immersive and visually compelling environments. This research aims to explore and implement advanced techniques for simulating reflections using 搅拌机 for 三维建模 and OpenGL for 实时渲染.

The project will begin with the construction of a simple 3D scene in 搅拌机, featuring a small island within a still lake. 最初, we will assume the lake surface to be static and only simulate reflections on both the sky and the lake surface within cubemap. This involves generating a skybox that captures the environment in 搅拌机 and applying it to the reflective surfaces in OpenGL.

The next phase will extend this approach to include reflections of static objects on the island, such as houses and trees, using the environmental mapping technique. By accurately calculating and rendering these reflections, we aim to achieve a realistic representation of models in the environment. 同时, we aim to simulate lighting effects that more closely resemble sunlight and apply them to the surface of the lake to achieve better reflection and diffuse reflection effects. Rather than focusing on detailed modeling, we will concentrate more on creating more efficient and realistic shaders.

随后, the research will explore the inclusion of dynamic elements, such as a character that can move around the island and be reflected on the lake’s surface. This will involve more complex calculations and rendering techniques to ensure real-time performance and visual fidelity.

This project not only aims to enhance the technical understanding of reflective surface simulation in 游戏设计 but also seeks to provide practical solutions that can be utilized in real-world applications. By the end of this research, we expect to have developed a comprehensive framework for simulating both static and dynamic reflections in outdoor environments, contributing valuable insights to the Bryn Mawr Community and the broader field of 计算机图形学.如果进展允许的话, we will also explore the implementation of indoor mirror reflections, such as those in bathroom mirrors.

关键字: Reflection simulation, 搅拌机, OpenGL, 游戏设计, 计算机图形学, 三维建模, 实时渲染, cubemap