


Bryn Mawr学习成果

1. 找出促成社会学发展的历史环境和社会变化, 其中许多仍然是该学科的核心.

Ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills

2. 找出在理论和方法上塑造了这门学科的当前和过去的社会理论家, 并且能够描述, compare, 运用他们的想法.

Writing skills; oral communication skills; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills

3. 找出并讨论其他做出重大贡献的社会理论家的观点, 但他们的观点通常没有被纳入社会学核心.

Writing skills; oral communication skills; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills

4. 分析和讨论不同文化的经验, 来自美国和国外的人口和观点.

Ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills

5. 区分和思考不同层次的分析:微观(个体), 中观(制度)和宏观(国家/全球/文化).

Writing skills; research skills; oral communication skills; quantitative ability; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills; problem solving skills

6. 区分负责任和不负责任的泛化,并从事前者.

Writing skills; research skills; oral communication skills; quantitative ability; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills; problem solving skills

7. 对自己的文化偏见和社会地位进行反思和社会学思考, 以及这些因素如何影响他们自己的社会学分析.

Ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills

8. 通过系统的社会学分析来追求一个研究问题, 包括理论, 概念化, 操作化, measurement, 和数据收集.

Writing skills; research skills; oral communication skills; quantitative ability; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills; problem solving skills

9. 运用社会学理论和分析当代社会问题、问题和政策.

Writing skills; research skills; oral communication skills; quantitative ability; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills; problem solving skills

10. 阅读和理解社会学家用来进行研究(统计)的各种方法, 内容分析, ethnography, 文本分析, 社会历史分析),并欣赏各自的优点和缺点.

Research skills; quantitative ability; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; critical thinking skills; problem solving skills

11. 将想法和研究组织成有说服力的报告(书面和口头), clear, 和深刻的.

Writing skills; oral communication skills


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