推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Literary Prizes

                                     推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Literary Prizes 2024

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的本科生被邀请提交作品,参加5月份学生颁奖典礼上颁发的以下年度文学奖的竞赛. 贝恩-斯威格特诗歌奖也向研究生和特殊学生开放, 西摩·阿德尔曼诗歌奖向学院社区的每一位成员开放. You are welcome to enter your work in more than one competition, 但请按照每个奖项类别的具体说明提交. The deadlines are all the same, but other important details vary. 如果您有任何问题,请联系Daniel Torday,他是创意写作项目的联合主席 dtorday@bestbetonsports.net. Decisions for all prizes will be announced at the Student Awards Ceremony. Please Note: All manuscripts must be accompanied by a completed 封面页, indicating for which contest they are being submitted.  这 封面页 可在创意写作计划网页(3i.bestbetonsports.net/creativewriting/),也可以向英语学院办公室的布林·汤普森索取纸质版.

*提交的意见书未附有 封面页 将不予考虑*

These contests are not open to students, 由于资金规定,哈弗福德和斯沃斯莫尔学院的教职员工. 以前获得过BMC文学奖的稿件不得重新提交参加任何这些竞赛.

                                                  Open to All Current BMC Undergraduates:

The Academy of American Poets Prize: $100

The Academy of American Poets Prize, endowed in honor of Ethelyn A. Chase, former President of the Academy, is offered for a group of three to six poems 本科生提交. Please submit your group of poems in two (2) collated copies, 连同你的 封面页 提供您的姓名, 类一年, 电子邮件地址, the titles of the poems and the contest for which they’re being submitted. The poems are to be judged anonymously, and therefore your name should not appear anywhere on the copies of the poems. 交付 submissions to Bryn Thompson in the English House Office by 4:30 pm on 2024年3月25日,星期一.

The Anne Kirschbaum Winkelman Literary Prize: $500

这个奖是为了纪念1948届毕业生安妮·科什鲍姆·温克尔曼 原创短篇小说 本科生提交. Please deliver two (2) copies of your work, 连同你的 封面页  提供您的姓名, 电子邮件, 类一年, 作品的标题(你的名字不应该出现在你的作品的任何副本上)和他们提交的比赛, 2024年3月25日(周一)下午4点30分之前,寄给英国学院办公室的布林·汤普森.

The Richmond Lattimore Prize for Poetic Translation: $500

一个奖项将颁发给由推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜本科生提交的从另一个世界语言翻译成英语的诗歌的最佳作品. Translations from any other world language and time period are acceptable, but only from that language into English. The prize was established in memory of Richmond Lattimore, 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的希腊文教授,也是著名的荷马史诗译者, 其他希腊诗人, 和新约. Translations from any language and time period are acceptable. There are no restrictions on length. 请提交两(2)份原创作品和你的翻译, 连同你的 封面页  提供您的姓名, 类一年, 电子邮件和作品的标题(你的名字不应该出现在副本的任何地方)和比赛,他们将在周一下午4:30之前提交给教务长办公室, 3月25日, 2024.

The Katherine Fullerton Gerould Award: $500

            凯瑟琳·富勒顿·格尔德纪念奖是由校友协会为纪念推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜英语系的杰出成员而设立的. 本奖项的规则如下:竞赛面向布林茅尔学院的本科生开放. 参赛作品可以在以下任何类别:小说(短篇小说), 中篇小说, or portion of a novel); informal essays (excluding critical papers and academic essays); and poetry. The Committee emphasizes originality of treatment and mastery of language, and asks that your submissions be work created since last Commencement.  You may submit work written for a class or work that has appeared in student 出版s. A contestant may submit more than one entry if she so desires. 在诗歌方面,评奖委员会建议参赛者提交一组诗歌.

Please submit two (2) collated copies of your work 连同你的 封面页  提供您的姓名, 类一年, 电子邮件, the titles of the work submitted. 请在周一下午4:30之前将稿件交给英语学院办公室的Bryn Thompson, 3月25日, 2024.

Susan deSola Rodstein Derks Literary Prize in Formal Poetry --$250

苏珊·德·索拉·罗德斯坦·德克斯正式诗歌奖是为了纪念苏珊·德·索拉·罗德斯坦·德克斯而设立的,她的家人赠送了她84年的礼物, 同学们, 和朋友. 该奖项每年颁发给优雅地运用诗歌形式的最佳诗集, 无论是传统的十四行诗, 六节诗, 维拉内拉诗, 哈, 蓝调, pantoums, 等.)或新的和发明的形式. The award is determined by a committee of alumnae writers, which consults the terms stated in the deed of gift. 请提交2份3-5首优雅地运用诗歌形式的诗歌作品集, 无论是传统的十四行诗, 六节诗, 维拉内拉诗, 哈, 蓝调, pantoums, 等.)或新的和发明的形式.

                                                 Open to Current BMC Freshmen and Sophomores:

The Alexandra Peschka Prize: $500

亚历山德拉·佩什卡奖是为了纪念1964届的一名学生而设立的,每年颁发给 a member of the Freshman or Sophomore class 最佳想象力散文作品奖(小说或非小说类均可). Critical or academic essays are not eligible, but fiction and creative nonfiction, personal or topical essays are welcome. Please submit two (2) copies of each entry, 连同你的 封面页 提供您的姓名, 类一年, 电子邮件, 所提交作品的标题和所参加的竞赛.  (Your name should not appear on either of the copies of your work.) 交付 请在2024年3月25日(周一)下午4:30之前提交给英国议会办公室的布林·汤普森.

Open to Current BMC Undergraduates, and to 当前的学生 in BMC 研究生 and Other Programs:

The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize: $500

The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize is offered for the best 单一的诗 由布林莫尔学生提交(本科,研究生或其他课程). 学生可以提交多首诗,但每首诗将被视为一个单独的参赛作品. Please submit two (2) copies of each poem, together with the 每首诗的封面. 提供您的姓名, 类一年, 电子邮件, 所提交的诗歌的标题和所参加的比赛(你的名字不应该出现在副本的任何地方). 交付 请在2024年3月25日(周一)下午4:30之前提交给英国议会办公室的布林·汤普森.

                                           Open to Current BMC Students, 教师 & 工作人员:

The Seymour Adelman Poetry Award: $1000

            The Seymour Adelman Poetry Award is open to students, 教师, and staff members of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 这个年度奖项是通过丹尼尔和乔安娜·塞梅尔·罗斯的慷慨捐赠而设立的.B. 1952年,为了纪念西摩·阿德尔曼,爱书人,学院和图书馆的老朋友. 该奖项的目的是通过以下方式,激发学院学生对诗歌的兴趣:

 support scholarly research on a poet or poetry;


 encourage the study of poetry in an interdisciplinary context;

 recognize a particular piece or body of poetic writing; or


The award may be used to help support summer work, 腾出时间来写作, 以帮助支付研究费用, 研究旅行, 特殊教学准备, or any of a variety of projects that would facilitate the writing, 出版, 教学, and better understanding of poetry.

            推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区的所有现任成员都有资格竞争该奖项, including undergraduate and graduate students, full- and part-time 教师 members, and members of the administration and staff. 任何希望参加该奖项的人都应提交三(3)份整理好的提案副本 including the following: 1) a letter of no more than two pages, describing the project to be undertaken or in progress; 2) a short budget, detailing how the prize funds will be spent; and, 如果需要, 3)支持材料和/或工作样本(这些是可选的,但鼓励) of no more than seven additional pages in length. Proposals must be accompanied by a 封面页 并应在周一下午4:30之前交给英国办公室的布林·汤普森, 3月25日, 2024.

            西摩·阿德尔曼诗歌奖委员会将从提交的作品中选出获奖者, and the winner will be announced at the Student Awards Ceremony. 完成的获奖项目的两份副本应在奖项颁发之日起18个月内发送到校长办公室.


  • No previous submissions that have won a BMC Literary Prize may be submitted.
  • These contests are not open to Haverford or Swarthmore students, 教师, or staff due to funding stipulations.
  • Decisions for all prizes will be announced at the Awards Ceremony in May.
  • If you have any questions you may contact Prof. 丹Torday, Co-Director of the 创意写作计划.


自1985年春天首次登台以来的几十年里, 布林莫尔阅读系列带来了所有文学流派的主要美国和国际作家与学生和费城地区社区接触.




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