
Promising Practices for Integrating Diversity, 股本 and Inclusion Into Your Organization

$500系列| 12个ceu | Virtual

$500系列| 12个ceu | Virtual

We see cultural humility as an ever-evolving commitment to curiosity and flexibility. 我们学习. 我们成长. 我们努力与他人建立健康、尊重的关系.


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Promising Practices for Integrating Diversity, 股本 and Inclusion Into Your Organization is a four-part workshop series where you will gain the insights and tools to create systems change in your organization.

作为使命驱动型组织, we aspire to build workplaces where individuals are valued and feel a sense of belonging.

It’s equally important that we recognize the business benefits to strengthening our DEI policies and practices too. 当我们扩大招聘和留住多元化团队的方法时, 我们建立了更健康的人才库. 当我们把拥有不同生活经历的员工聚集在一起, 我们提高了创造性思维和解决问题的能力. Collegial collaboration is more effective when people feel respected, trusted, and appreciated.

在本系列中, we will ask ourselves the hard questions about ways our organizations may or may not carry our values about diversity, 落实公平和包容. We will brainstorm together how to overcome the challenges we face as change makers as we work to help our organizations become truly diverse, 公平的, 以及包容的工作场所.


Promising Practices is open to staff at all levels who are change agents in their organizations or who aspire to roles where they can work on organizational transformation. 虽然这项服务并不局限于职位领导,但将来也会如此 对那些经理或主管特别有帮助.

学习目标  时间表   教师  项目费用  


报名截止日期: 2023年10月27日,星期五

研讨会日期: Tuesdays, 10月ober 31; 11月ember 14; 11月ember 28; December 12, 2023


时间: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

对比增强超声: 12



  • 创建一个安全的实践社区,让参与者可以分享, 在职业生涯中相互学习和支持.
  • 审视我们在各自组织中作为领导者和变革者的角色.
  • Develop an understanding of social identity and the impact the Cycle of Socialization has had on our personal 信仰 和行为.
  • 确定包容性招聘的商业利益.
  • 讨论招聘中有前途的做法, 评估, 面试我们团队和组织中的职位.
  • Explore the model of Multicultural Organization Development Theory to assess our organizations’ stage of cultural competency and discuss next steps to strengthen staff retention.
  • Gain a shared understanding of anti-racism and create action steps that will lead us closer to our goals of becoming anti-racist organizations.


日期 车间
10月. 31


Cultural humility, cultural competency, and inclusive behavior all begin with self-awareness. 在这个研讨会上, participants will explore the ways in which our individual social identities and cultures influence our attitudes, 信仰, 和行为.

We will examine the Cycle of Socialization: where and how we learn our 信仰 and the Cycle of Liberation: how we can liberate ourselves from the more damaging/harmful 信仰 we hold.
11月. 14


The research on productive workplaces shows that diverse teams are more creative and successful in team problem solving, and recruiting a diverse team begins with a close examination of our current recruitment processes and a willingness to change.

我们将确定包容性招聘的好处. We will examine the barriers we currently face in how we recruit, interview, and hire new staff. We will generate new practices to attract a more diverse pool of candidates and discuss how we can change our organizational culture so that we can successfully retain new staff members.
11月. 28


我们将在开始工作的基础上继续努力 招募和留住多元化的团队 使用 包容性领导者的六个特征,由伯克和狄龙(2016)创建的模型。.

我们将邀请你看看自己的长处, 限制, and opportunities in inclusive leadership and ask you to generate next steps you can take to become a more inclusive leader. We will also explore how these action steps can help to generate change in your organization.
Dec. 12


We understand that becoming an anti-racist organization is a life-long, transformational process. 在本研讨会中,我们将创建一个公共的 

understanding of what practicing anti-racism as an organization actually means and will identify how racism is operating within our organizations.

We will define the actions needed to restructure our policies and practices to ensure that people of color fully participate in decision making and other forms of power sharing. We will commit to writing down our values and policies and integrating them into our organization’s culture and our daily operating practices.




Dr. Tiffenia D. Archie presently serves as the Associate Vice President of the Office of Institutional Diversity, 股本, 费城天普大学倡导与领导(IDEAL), PA) where her goal is to help advance diversity and inclusion in all facets of the campus community.  She first began working at Temple in 2007 as the inaugural Director of 教师 Recruitment and Retention, 与教务长和院长们就教师招聘目标密切合作, 在成为副总统助理之前.

Dr. 阿奇在高等教育领域工作了近25年, previously serving as the Assistant Academic Dean at Albright College where she also served as an Affirmative Action representative on hiring committees. 她还教授社会学课程, including Introduction to Sociology; Race and Racism; Race, Class, and Gender; Social Problems and Statistics. 她帮助设计了天普大学的多元化领导力研究生证书, a collaboration between IDEAL and the College of Education and was in the first co-hort of certificate earners.

Dr. Archie earned her doctorate in Sociology at Temple University (Class of 2003) and also completed facilitator training with the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI). She attended the Management Development Program (MDP) at Harvard University’s 研究生 School of Education.

Dr. Archie was the 2010 Recipient of the Outstanding Leader in Education Award presented by the Association of Black Women in Higher Education and is currently a member of the Albright College Board of Trustees.

我喜欢Tiff的诚实. 她谈到她仍在学习,并分享了一些例子. 我非常喜欢这种混合叙事的方式, 视频, 施舍, 我们的小, 分组讨论会议.

——奥利维亚·塔杜兰, 副主任, 双语家庭暴力计划路德会安置之家, NELI 2020级毕业生




  • 登记时须缴付第一笔款项$250
  • 第二次付款250美元,11月27日到期


  • 信用卡(个人或商业)
  • 支票抬头是“布林茅尔学院”
    • 请在备注部分写上“NELI”.

邮件地址:Laura Henrich,项目协调员


  • 如工作坊取消,学费可获全额退还.
  • Participants will forfeit 100% of their tuition if they do not notify the program they are unable to attend by the close of business on 10月. 或者在项目开始后选择退出.