

$350* | 15个ceu | 9:30 a.m.-东部时间中午|虚拟

$350* | 15个ceu | 9:30 a.m.-东部时间中午|虚拟

在本课程中, we will consider how our early experiences with caregivers shape the ways we regulate our affect.


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*见下文 折扣 和 CEU /监督 选项.

交付: 通过Zoom同步虚拟教室


Attachment Theory provides an overarching framework from which to underst和 our clients’ distress 和 their attempts to cope with that distress, 以及治疗关系的修复潜力. Increasingly, attachment theory is being understood as a regulation theory. 在本课程中, we will consider how our early experiences with caregivers shape the ways we regulate our affect. 我们将讨论内隐记忆系统, exploring how early information from our relational environment is processed nonconsciously 和 shapes the neural structures that we then use to evaluate 和 incorporate subsequent information.  依恋安全和不安全感的特征将被检查, 包括依恋模式如何成为人格组织的基础, 焦虑和抑郁的症状, 愤怒表达和关系动态. The intergenerational transmission of attachment security 和 insecurity will be discussed. We will explore how attachment relationships are impacted by the culture 和 larger society that surrounds them.  An alternate typology of attachment patterns will be introduced that is geared toward underst和ing 和 honoring the strategies children 和 成年人 develop when confronted with danger.

“The therapist’s role is analogous to that of a mother who provides her child with a secure base from which to explore the world.”——鲍比

Our knowledge of attachment theory will be applied to our clinical work by taking a view of the therapeutic relationship as an attachment relationship with goals of promoting self-integration, 影响监管, 反省, 以及我们的客户健康依赖的能力. 我们将强调非语言的作用, 无意识沟通和解释心理化, 或者是反射功能, 把它理解为一种培养依恋安全感的机制. We will also explore the therapist’s attachment style 和 how it may impact the treatment process.  

To maintain a cohesive cohort, participants are expected to commit to attendance at all sessions.



  • 讨论依恋在早期发展中的作用, including its central role in 影响监管 和 the construction of the self.
  • Identify the characteristics of: secure attachment, insecure attachment 和 disorganized attachment.
  • Compare 和 contrast the Main 和 Crittenden models of attachment strategies.
  • Critique attachment theory’s applicability across culture, class, race, ethnicity 和 gender.
  • Discuss the importance of working with the nonverbal in psychotherapy 和 methods for doing so.
  • Describe how to foster therapy relationships that serve as reparative attachment relationships for our dismissing, 心事重重的、无条理的客户.
  • 讨论焦虑, depression 和 personality organization using an attachment theory lens 和 indicate how this underst和ing influences treatment approaches.
  • Discuss how attachment theory is useful in conceptualizing psychosocial 和 relational struggles throughout the lifespan.
  • Identify one’s own attachment patterns 和 reflect on how these affect one’s work with clients.

Each session begins with a didactic presentation that is followed by small group clinical supervision.  The 7-8 member supervision groups create a safe space to present 和 explore case material from the perspectives discussed in the course. To maintain a cohesive cohort, participants are expected to commit to attendance at all sessions.


Students who do not plan to use the group supervision hours toward LCSW requirements are eligible to receive 15 continuing education credits for the program (2.5 /会话). Students who apply the group supervision hours toward their LCSW supervision requirements are eligible to receive 9 continuing education credits (1.5小时/次)及6学时(1小时/次). Continuing education credits earned will be emailed following the completion of the program.

请注意: State board regulations stipulate that group supervision be done simultaneously with individual supervision. Since the maximum number of supervision hours per week is two, one of those hours must be individual.

程序费用| *折扣

系列成本: $350

折现率: $320 for Current PSCSW Members  |  BMC Alums  |  Field Instructors of current BMC students  |  Agency-funded groups of 3 or more


托尼·曼德尔鲍姆博士,LCSW, is in private practice 和 works with individuals 和 couples utilizing an attachment framework. 她收到了哥伦比亚大学的城市垃圾, trained as a family 和 couples therapist with The Family Institute of Philadelphia, 和 earned her doctorate at Bryn Mawr College 社会工作与社会研究研究生院.  2003年,她成为成人依恋面试的认证编码员.  托尼最近写了一本书(2020年出版), titled Attachment 和 adult clinical practice:  An integrated perspective on developmental theory, 神经生物学, 情绪调节由劳特利奇:泰勒和弗朗西斯集团出版.

Leda Sportolari,城市生活垃圾,LCSW, 在Bala Cynwyd开私人诊所(远程), 与青少年合作, 成年人, 夫妻和家庭.  Her clinical approach is guided by her intensive study of the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment 和 Adaptation (DMM) with Patricia Crittenden, 博士学位. Leda is a past-president 和 a current board member of the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical 社会工作 和 has been an adjunct faculty member at the Bryn Mawr College 社会工作与社会研究研究生院, where she taught Attachment Based Therapy 和 Couples Therapy for a number of years.  She is the co-clinical director 和 a consultation group leader with the Philadelphia chapter of A Home Within, a national nonprofit organization that offers pro-bono relational therapy to children, 在或曾经在寄养或亲属照顾下的青少年和成年人. Leda offers sliding scale clinical supervision to MSWs pursuing LCSW licensure. 
