
克里斯蒂娜·巴赫, 垃圾, LCSW, OSW-C













克里斯蒂娜·巴赫 (she/her) holds her master’s degrees in 社会工作 and bioethics from the University of Pennsylvania and is a licensed clinical 社会工作er. She is also a Certified Oncology 社会工作er and a Fellow of the Association of Oncology 社会工作. 克里斯蒂娜是肿瘤社会工作认证委员会的主席. 克里斯蒂娜的实践主要集中在肿瘤学和卫生保健社会工作. She has worked in inpatient and outpatient 物理 health and oncology settings and currently works as the Psycho社会 Content Editor for OncoLink.org. Here her practice centers on curating accessible patient and caregiver 教育 content in coping with cancer, 降低癌症风险, 金融的毒性, 癌症幸存者. 她还与她的团队密切合作,研究患者的经历和结果. Currently she is studying the implementation of trauma informed care practices with radiation therapists at Penn Medicine.  She also has a keen interest in the use of technology and 社会 media in conveying patient narrative and experience with medical trauma. 克里斯蒂娜致力于社会工作教育, 作为一名实地联络员,指导了20名社会工作学生6年. She also has taught in the 社会工作 programs at Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania. 临床, Christina works as a Financial Specialist with the Cancer Support Community and also facilitates the Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group. Christina also has vast experience in Animal Assisted Therapy and works regularly with her certified therapy dogs, 莱纳斯, 哈克贝利和尤金(训练中). 











卡洛琳Cristofalo is a licensed clinical 社会工作er with 27 years of experience working with adults, 老年人, 以及医疗机构和社区的家庭. Carolyn received her master’s degree in 社会工作 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice. 1996年,她在宾夕法尼亚州获得了第一级社会工作执照, 并于2010年获得了宾夕法尼亚州临床社会工作执照. She was a practitioner at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) for 21 years and gained extensive 社会工作 practice experience in the areas of internal medicine, 康复, 肿瘤学和骨髓移植. Carolyn also spent many years serving as Penn’s first Independent Living Donor Advocate for the Kidney and Liver Transplant Departments. 她在(HUP)任职期间担任了多年的野外教官。, and now serves as a Field Placement Coordinator and Field Liaison for the Bryn Mawr 社会工作与社会研究研究生院. 卡洛琳作为志愿者在不同的组织中担任不同的角色, including chairing the Board of Directors for CARIE (Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly) for many years. 卡罗琳的执业兴趣包括慢性病, 老龄化及相关问题, 损失和丧失亲人, 在个人和社区层面进行社会工作教育和宣传.

柯蒂斯P. 默里,海量存储系统(MSS)中, LSW 











柯蒂斯·默里 is a behavioral health professional with over 45 years of diverse 社会工作 and administrative experiences in child welfare, 公共卫生, 住宅设施, 教育, 卫生保健环境和跨学科合作. 他的专业领域包括治疗干预, 咨询, 监督, 程序开发, 促进CASSP培训讲习班, 以及转介和与社区资源的联系. He has provided other professional trainings and worked with complex family situations from a variety of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. 另外, he has gained working 知识 of 研究生 社会工作 School Field Education. Lastly, he served as a Medical Service Officer with the United States Army Reserve for fifteen years. 

斯维. 罗纳,海量存储系统(MSS)中, LSW












斯罗纳 has over 23 years of clinical experience as a medical 社会工作er working with families, 婴儿, 孩子们, 以及患有慢性和危及生命疾病的青少年. She is the Heart Failure and Heart Transplant 社会工作er in the Cardiac Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 她为家庭提供重要的临床专业知识和社会心理支持, 婴儿, 孩子们 and adolescents in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit as well as cardiac outpatient clinic. 她的技能, 知识, 同情心使这些家庭能够有效地驾驭医疗体系, 同时处理其健康受损儿童的复杂需求. Charisse提供了一个独特的专注于悲伤和损失,并提高个人应对技能. 另外, her clinical practice includes providing trauma-informed care and advocacy to mothers who have suffered the loss of a child to co-sleeping and to women impacted by domestic violence. Charisse是gsssr的毕业生. She is passionate about supervising and mentoring future professional 社会工作ers as they seek to carry on the Bryn Mawr standards in their practice. 查理斯被精神更新了, 能源, 以及她支持的研究生的不同观点.

Tangela C. 垃圾,生活垃圾,马萨诸塞州,城市生活垃圾










Tangela C. 垃圾,生活垃圾,马萨诸塞州,城市生活垃圾, 是社会工作与社会研究研究生院的实地教育联络员. She received her DSW and 垃圾 degrees from the Rutgers University School of 社会工作 and a Master of Criminal Justice degree from the Rutgers University 研究生 School-Camden. Tangela is a licensed 社会工作er with decades of experience engaging the most vulnerable segments of our society, 包括服用美沙酮维持治疗的孕妇和产后母亲, 无家可归者, 以及受虐待/被忽视的儿童. 她的定性研究发表在《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》杂志上. Tangela的研究兴趣集中在成年兄弟姐妹的丧亲之痛, 交集, 以及结构性不平等对少数群体的影响.













詹妮弗Stone-Wynne received her 垃圾 from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a medical 社会工作er for over 25 years. 她曾在各种医疗机构工作-住院急症医院, 康复和长期护理, 门诊和初级保健. 她的专业领域包括器官移植、老年病学和移民人口. She currently works in an outpatient clinic providing primary and specialty medical care to vulnerable populations in Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties. She also developed and manages an 垃圾 internship program at Jefferson Health, Abington Hospital. Her work is generally focused on removing structural and financial barriers to accessing quality health care.   

山腰的泰斯, LCSW的海量存储系统(MSS)中














山腰的泰斯, LCSW的海量存储系统(MSS)中 (she/they), is the Clinic Team Lead and Behavioral Health Consultant at Project HOME’s Integrated Care Clinic at Pathways to Housing PA. 科里在过去的10年里一直是一名有执照的社会工作者, 他们的临床经验集中在社区医疗保健, 为无家可归的成年人提供支持和支持, 物质使用障碍, 以及持续严重的精神健康障碍. 在他们现在的角色之前, 科里是“路径”自信社区治疗团队之一的团队负责人, and previously as the Social Services Manager for Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC)’s Health Network of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). 科里的兴趣领域包括:心理的交叉, 物理, 社会, and economic health; harm reduction models in healthcare settings; health care equity; and 社会工作 field 教育. Corrie holds a Master’s degree in Social Services from Bryn Mawr College and has served as a graduate level 社会工作 practice educator for the past eight years.